real people, perfect place

WHAT IS MAS – Mistni akcni skupina or else LAG – Local Action Group

It is a community of representatives from companies, municipalities, non-profit organisations, and other entities that have a vested interest in the development of a particular territory. The advantage of the LAG is that it works from the ground up, that is, the region’s development initiative is based on its inhabitants. Supported projects are mostly selected by local authorities and people who know the needs of the area. Thus, the LAG allows its inhabitants to decide on the development of the region in which they live rather than the central authorities. The activity of selected LAGs is financed from the Rural Development Program (RDP), which ensures these activities are undertaken for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Their main task is to mediate grants and subsidies for natural and legal persons operating in the territory served by the LAG. The LAG publishes calls for local grant applicants, provides consultations, advisory services, administration, evaluation and project selection for funding. In addition, they are actively involved in events in the region through various information events either as an organiser or as a partner.

Partners in the development of Dolnobřežanska